Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Good Videos! Anyone??? By Steph

Good Videos! Good Videos! Come out! Come out! Where ever you are!!!!!!!!!
When is the last time you’ve seen a hip hop  video that was so good you wanted to watch it over and over again?  (I am going to exclude Kayne &  Jay-Z). Crickets…I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a video that I was blown away by.  I understand that budgets for videos have dramatically decreased but why can’t people still find creative ways to make good videos.  I blame both artist as well as directors.   Artist because they keep accepting these same video treatments that those directors throw at them.  Directors because they are suppose to be the visual architects who make the song come to life and hopefully make people like the song even more.   These videos just aren’t doing that for me.  Ok, honestly the last video that I liked was Lil Wayne’s video for  “6’7” because of the Inception concept but even that video I didn’t have a desire to watch over and over. 
I was completely disappointed by  Ace Hood’s “Hustle Hard” both the original and the remix video.  It was such a hard song that it needed a strong visual to commitment it but that did not happen.  The remix video even more because that was the more popular version of the song.  They took so long to release the video and honestly they shouldn’t have released one at all because the finished product was terrible!  I think I could have directed a better video then that.  All the director did was literally take everything that was said in the video, threw some beautiful  girls in workout outfits sprinkle in a few rappers and put in front of a green screen.  Really?!!!!  And it looked cheap! (in pray it didn’t cost any money lol) Every video can’t be money, cars, hoes and the hood!  Give me something different.  Even if I may not understand the complete concept I will appreciate the fact that something different was tried.  
I really wonder if some artist watch their videos and think to themselves “This video is some bulls*it did I really pay for this?!!!” because I know that what I think when I watch most of them.   Now don’t get me wrong some of the videos are cool but I don’t have the desire to watch them over and over again, which to me defeats the purpose of making a video at all.  I laugh everytime I see these behind the scenes or sneak peeks at the videos because in the end they leave a lot to be desired  and set the public up to be disapointed by the finished product. Will I never again see a “Victory” type video???    I know that records aren’t selling like they use to but I need labels to open these video budgets up; and artist and directors  have to use some originality and spend the money wisely.   I want  to be left in awe when I finish watching a video, is that too much to ask?!!!

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