Friday, May 27, 2011

Cover Rolling Out Angela & Vanessa Simmons

As businesswomen who are always on the go, what advice would give to women who are looking to balance a relationship with a hectic schedule?
 It’s all about balance and understanding on both sides. You have to have a man who knows what you do and respects that. If he can’t respect that you have to be on the road for two weeks, then he isn’t the man for you. But it comes down to communication. Having love for each other will take you through.
What qualities are attractive in a guy?
 A guy needs to make me laugh. He must be loyal. I have to sense and know that you are a loyal person. He also has to stand for something.

Vanessa: I enjoyed doing the show because I got to work with my family and just goof off in front of the camera. But there are so many people in your life and that’s kind of scary. After we finished taping “Daddy’s Girls,” I had to go into my little shell. I had to renew myself. People were judging me on things that normal people do. I had to take time for myself. I deleted my Twitter and I don’t go out as much. I’m just like everyone else; the only difference is that I’m under a microscope.

Angela: When “Run’s House” first aired, I remember being on 42nd Street with my friends and someone came up to me and said, “You’re Angela Simmons from ‘Run’s House!’ ” It was kind of weird moment at first, but I’ve gotten used to it now. But the show changed things because people are now looking at you when you step out. Any and every thing you do is ridiculed. People comment about you wearing short shorts. My response is that I’m 23 and I’m doing what a 23-year-old does. I’m just being normal and having fun. I’m not doing anything wrong. They judge you quicker for dating more than one guy. Or if I’m seen with a guy, people think I’m dating him. Can I just be a normal 23-year-old who breaks up with a guy and moves on? But overall, it’s pretty cool to be able to have a good influence on people as well as everything else [that came with being a part of the show].
What qualities are attractive in a guy?
 I like a guy who is funny and smart. You don’t have to be a geek, but you have to be open to exploring new things. If you come into it narrow-minded, it’s a waste of time.
Honesty is important too. Even it will hurt my feelings, I’d rather you be honest than to lie to me.
What’s the perfect first date?
 Good conversation and good laughs. Pick my brain, let’s talk. I don’t want too much. I like flowers, but don’t come through with one rose and think that this is it. Let’s have a good time and just be yourself.

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